Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Playing in the dirt

Yes, you heard that right. :) On Christmas day I was outside in my yard playing in the dirt. Monday was out there again. Why? Well, I am going to plant a herb garden in my yard this Spring. There is a old rose garden in the yard that has only one or two sickly roses left in it and lots of brush. I'm clearing out the brush and digging in the dirt. There are three little cedar trees in there that I am leaving. There is also a beautiful lavender plant. That is staying also. I'm going to replant the roses in another place in the yard.

I have checked out several books on herbs from the library to figure out exactly what herbs I want to grow. I harvest the lavender for my own magical (and non-magical) use every year. This year, I will have many more herbs. I am looking forward to spring! I had such a good time Monday. I was getting so much dirt between my feet and my flip flops, that I took them off and ran around in the dirt barefoot. Luckily it was in the 60's. lol

So that is what I've been doing lately. Playing in the dirt and planning my witchy garden. :) I'll probably plant marigolds this spring too. I have a nice birdbath that could use a border of pretties around it. :)


Sam R. said...

Thomas Jefferson once said "Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independant, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it's liberty and interests by the most lasting bands." Sometimes we just have to get our hands dirty to remember what life is all about. I hope your garden grow plentiful.

Brook said...

Thank you! :)