Purpose of Pagan Pride Day
September 11th 2008
What do you feel the purpose of Pagan Pride Day is? We are in the month of Pagan Pride around the nation in he U.S., and many pagans have had mixed feelings over the years. Do you feel it is just a day to gloat about being pagan, or do you think the genuine purpose behind it is to show that there are strong pagans in every community?
I think the purpose is for Pagans to get out and meet one another. It's a good chance to meet other Pagans that you may not have known where Pagan. It's good for the community to see that we aren't a bunch of weirdos that sacrifice babies and goats too!
This is just my opinion.. I think pagan pride 'should' be what you described, but sadly, from what I have seen, it seems like a time for pagans to get up in the faces of those who aren't pagan.. More of a "hey, look at me! I'm pagan! You wanna do something about it?"..
Hope that made sense..
I know exactly what you mean Hex. I have a friend who was Pagan and he was one of those types. ^^: When he would be out in public people always looked at him funny. (He dressed goth and wore a HUGE pentacle) He was the type that would say things to people. That just makes all Pagans look bad.
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