Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Daffs in bloom and snow! :O

Yes, I said Daffs and snow. :) It snowed here (six inches worth!!!) and then the next week we had temps in the 70's and 80's. lol So I have some pictures of the snow and some pictures of the Daffs around the birdbath in bloom. You can see them at my Flickr photostream. :)

Pictures here... follow me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Brook, Your daffodils are beautiful. I am about 2 hours north of you in Roanoke. I am sure you are enjoying the same rain we are. my crocuses saw that same snow but I didn't get any pictures. Wanted to compliment your blog and thank you for the link to the witch's primer.
I put my link to my Flickr in the URL. Thought you might enjoy my pretties.

Brook said...

Thanks Heather! Your crocuses are gorgeous! I had one little purple one come up last year. I hope he returns. I just notice my hyacinths come up the other day. As soon as it's dry outside I'll take some pics of those too!

Earthmaiden said...

Your pictures are beautiful Brook. I wish I was able to sit in my yard and watch the birds and flowers but unfortunately all I have is a balcony. LOL I have a few plants out there but I have one in particular I love. It is a plant my boyfriend bought me a few years back and we thought it died but I planted it anyway because I am stubborn like that. Now every year I get at least one beautiful Lily on it sometimes 2 if I am lucky.

Freak Magnet said...

The weather this time of year is so funny. Snow and then sun - you just never know! I love the pics.